​​Nii Lantey Bortey

President & CEO, CenRID

MPA, State University of New York, Albany, NY BA, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH

Nii Lantey Bortey has over 15 years of experience in project research management and design, which has led to the successful implementation of HIV/AIDS and other public health and biotechnology projects in Africa and the United States. His expertise encompasses human and community development, research, training, and strategic planning for non-governmental organizations, government institutions, and faith- and community-based organizations involved in U.S. government-funded programs. In 2016, Nii Lantey served as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Malawi, where he acted as an NGO Advisor/Coordinator for the PEPFAR DREAMS initiative. He worked closely with the USAID PEPFAR Team and other stakeholders to develop a framework that improved NGO coordination and efficiency. His leadership was instrumental in successfully implementing the Girl Roster™ to identify orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) in Machinga District. Nii Lantey has participated in numerous sustainable development conferences and workshops across East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. As the Executive Director of CenRID, he leverages his extensive experience in international development and his proven track record of effectively leading and training teams engaged with diverse multilateral organizations and government institutions.

We are an ambitious and dynamic team of public health and development practitioners eager to develop new tools, knowledge, ideas, and methods to improve lives across the globe.

The Center for Research & International Development (CenRID)  is a global nonprofit organization based in New York, NY that focuses on development research and project implementation.
Our purpose is to implement evidence-based interventions and conduct high-quality research aimed at discovering new knowledge to improve the education and healthcare delivery and access for vulnerable populations.

Our Mission

Our Vision

To use data driven research to improve healthcare delivery and access, and education for vulnerable populations and communities.
CenRID​​ envisions a world where everyone attains the right to a high quality of life.


Honesty and integrity are the nucleus of our identity. They are the foundation of every successful and impactful intervention we implement. We remain steadfast to doing the right thing for the individuals and communities with which we work, and ensuring that our research methods and program interventions adhere to the highest ethical standards.


We are transparent and we expect to be held accountable by the communities we serve and our donors; it is how we earn their trust.   We will always take responsibility for our actions and address any missteps. We are an ambitious organization and we will learn as we grow.


We conduct a readiness assessment prior to each program or intervention. This implementation approach enables us to develop an intervention strategy that is reflective of the priority needs, concerns, and views of the community, which in turn empowers the community to take ownership of program or intervention


We believe effective teamwork and collaboration maximizes each partner's expertise and capabilities, and thus drives positive results.


We enthusiastically pursue innovative knowledge, ideas, tools, and methods that would catalyze the achievement of our project goals.

respect & cultural sensitivity

Our goal is to modify behaviors, not cultures. We strive to ensure that our program delivery methods are culturally compatible.      

Our dedicated leadership team is made up of experts who are committed to our mission and vision.